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The issue of illegal re-registration of shares in the authorised capital of limited liability companies (LLCs) has existed for a long time and, unfortunately, remains relevant.

Volodymyr Igonin, Mariia Mykhailovin


Vasil Kisil and Partners in cooperation with the Task Force comprised of Ukrainian authorities and the Energy Charter Secretariat representatives, established under the project "Cooperation for Restoring the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure", produced this overview of key legal developments in Ukraine's energy sector from 24 February 2022 to 24 March 2023.


Vasil Kisil and Partners in cooperation with the Task Force comprised of Ukrainian authorities and the Energy Charter Secretariat representatives, established under the project "Cooperation for Restoring the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure", produced this overview of key legal developments in Ukraine's energy sector from 24 February 2022 to 24 February 2023.


Ukraine has moved to a hybrid corporate governance model. For years, businesses could only use the two-tier model, with the management and the supervisory boards strictly separated. Now companies can take advantage of the one-tier model with its flexibility and dynamics.

Artem Shmatov


Vasil Kisil and Partners in cooperation with the Task Force comprised of Ukrainian authorities and the Energy Charter Secretariat representatives, established under the project "Cooperation for Restoring the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure", produced this overview of key legal developments in Ukraine's energy sector from 24 February 2022 to 20 January 2023.


Vasil Kisil and Partners in cooperation with the Task Force comprised of Ukrainian authorities and the Energy Charter Secretariat representatives, established under the project "Cooperation for Restoring the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure", produced this overview of key legal developments in Ukraine's energy sector from 24 February to 19 December 2022.


Would the purpose of an effective justice be attained if the court dismisses the claim for the reason that the court finds the claimant to have chosen an ineffective legal remedy to protect the violated right?

Oleg Kachmar

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